История. Историки. Источники
Электронный научный журнал

Исторические науки
BISHOP MITROFAN AFONSKY (Orlov pages of life)
Kondakova L.M. 1

1. State Archive of the Oryol region


Mitrofan Athos (in the world Mitrofan Vasilyevich Athos) — Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Podolsky and Bratslavsky, spiritual writer. The article highlights the church and social activities of Mitrofan Athos during his service in the Oryol Diocese from 1887 to 1910. For the first time, information on the bishop’s origin, marital status, family ties, deposited in the documents of the Orel Diocesan State Archive and the periodical Orel Diocesan statements of that period.

Keywords: Mv Athos, Oryol Theological Seminary, Trinity Church of Mtsensk, Oryol Theological Consistory, Mournful Church of Orel, Alexander Nevsky Church at the Alexander Real School of Orel, Michael-Archangel Church of Bakhtin of the Cadet Corps, Orel Church-Archaeological Committee

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